There is a bus stop right outside Nanni & Grandad's new house in Teignmouth. Nanni travels for free cos she’s old and I don’t have to pay cos I’m young!
So, last week when it stopped raining we decided to take a trip into town. Very exciting.
Nanni showed me how to ask the bus to stop

Whoops. I’m losing my trousers!

Two hands are better than one.

Here it comes.

Here is a nice high seat which I can see out of. The driver got a bit cross as we did not sit down quick enough!

Cor, it goes very fast round the corners.
When we got into town Nanni took me into a shop to buy a belt to keep my trousers up. We could not see a belt but I did find a new pair of trousers which had a big flower on the belt. I tried them on after taking my trainers off. Nanni said to leave them on so she put my shoes back on with great difficulty. The laces were tight and it was really hard to get my foot in. Eventually did it, went to the cash desk only to be told the trousers had a security tag so they would need to come off. And the trainers!
Shoes off, trousers of, tag off, trousers back on, shoes back on, Shattered,we toddled off to the play park.
It was a very, very hot day and by the time we got to the play park I was far too tired to play. Nanni said something I did not quite hear and then said she would phone Grandad to pick us up.
Problem, she could not remember the number on her new phone at home! Eventually it came to her and we went to wait for Grandad by the light house.
Here I am in my new trousers sitting on the wall.

Here is a close up of the belt and my very pretty nails, courtesy of Liberty.

Bye for now